Mutually subscribe.” Remember when such messages were sent en masse to private messages? At one time, people actually added friends and signed up just for fun. Nowadays, most people are more serious about who they give access to their personal profile, because they don’t want to share photos with everyone. Business owners approach the issue of subscribers scrupulously. Bots and untargeted users will not bring any benefit to sales. But gaining a high-quality subscriber base is not an easy task. This is the topic of our article today.
We’ll talk about how to gain live followers
on Instagram a little later. Now it is important to answer another Email Marketing List question: “Why does a business need many followers in principle?” . After all, it’s more logical to gather a small but devoted audience? Not certainly in that way… For a business, a large audience means, first of all, a constant expansion of the list of potential clients. It’s important to understand one thing here: as your audience grows, the percentage of active customers decreases . But at the same time their numbers are growing . For example, yesterday your business account had 1,000 followers, of which 100 were your active customers (10%). And today you already have 2,000 subscribers, of which 150 people are already your clients.
Mathematically, you now have more buyers
Although their percentage has dropped to 7.5%. Even if a significant Aero Leads part of your subscribers are not and will not be your clients, their presence is still a plus. Remember that Instagram actively promotes accounts with a large and lively audience, displays their posts more often in the recommendations section, and thereby brings in even more potential clients. Among other things, a large audience means a whole list of important advantages: You can sell products and services in almost any niche . Really anywhere! Starting from sneakers and ending with expensive services of a plastic surgeon. You can create an account for any business, as long as it does not contradict the rules of advertising activities.