Why copywriters don’t like Ilyakhov

I have been writing text for money since 2006. During this time, I have worked with various companies: from small startups with social networks instead of a website to Yandex and Russian Post. I have a blog of average popularity, and sometimes I am even invited to speak at specialized conferences. In a word, I am an ordinary editor, of which there are hundreds and thousands. I follow my colleagues’ activities with pleasure: I read books and blogs, listen to speeches, and join communities on social networks. And I notice that everywhere a contradiction is flaring up between two professional groups of copywriters. For simplicity, I will call the group the old and new schools.

Method is more important than personal style

The old school can be understood: if the style is unimportant, then why ask for money? If both the master and the student write the same, then the thrifty customer will rather go to the student. And how can the master explain his huge fees? Ilyakhov’s infostyle and method are not suitable for everyone. Many people find it repulsive. Rewrite the text several times? Edit the finished and published material? Get hung up on the little things, argue with the illustrator about the pictures? It is much more comfortable to work as before, especially if the client does not object. You have a name, subscribers on social networks like you. And the Ilyakhovites also have a pyramid of professionalism.

A phone number database is a list of phone numbers, usually organized for purposes like marketing, sales, or reaching out to customers. This list often includes extra information phone number database such as the person’s name, address, and other details about them, along with their phone number. It’s important to follow the law when using these databases, especially rules like GDPR, TCPA, and CAN-SPAM, which need permission from the users for marketing. These databases are usually bought from companies that gather data or collected through online forms, surveys, or other methods where people agree to share their information.

Pyramid of professionalism

phone number database (1)

The editor-in-chief and students model is popular among Ilyakhovites, a real pyramid of professionalism. The editor-in-chief is always Maxim, and less often his best students. Everyone else writes and rewrites under their guidance. The management is usually tough, in the style of: ” I’ll rape you a few times, and you’ll say “More, more!” “. This is hardly suitable for established guys with two Mercedes. Some guy is going to teach me how to do it? You can’t fit into a new school “from above”, only from below. It’s like emigrating as a refugee. You’ll have to rent a tiny apartment, retrain, work for little money under outside supervision. And maybe in a few years you’ll make it in life. Or maybe not.

Work examples – forward

Sadly, the old school has little to brag about. Most of their products are books and courses in the style of “I made millions teaching others how to make millions.” Less often, the site lists logos of different companies  for example. But it is unclear who all these guys are, what task they solved for them. Why is “Rollton” here? Did you work or eat? I also noticed that large, well-known companies rarely come to sales copywriters for text. If I’m wrong, correct me in the comments.

Usefulness is more important than sales copy

It seems that the selling text came to the Internet from the shaggy nineties, when the first copywriters began to adapt bad Western slogans “to the Soviet mentality.” Now more and 10 foreign trade seo blogs worth learning in 2021 more people feel only rejection towards it. They’ve had enough! On the other hand, I see more and more self-made editors in infostyle. They catch up with the text for the top ten on “Glavred”, torment customers with negotiations on Camp, but still write disgustingly. And so it turns out to be a battle between dinosaurs and soulless cyborgs.

Multi-tool copywriter

Doing big, important things in their entirety is not like shaking a microphone at a conference (I’m talking about myself now). Such work can really bring in millions of rubles, and honestly earned ones at that. I have never seen multi-tasking copywriters selling. Perhaps I don’t know the professionals in this environment very well – I’ll be glad if you show me some decent stuff that they’ve done in full.


I don’t want the reader to come to the conclusion that selling copywriters are charlatans, and Ilyakhovites are knights in shining armor. The criteria above apply to a true afb directory professional in any environment: from selling copywriting to a painter-finisher. The main thing is to understand them for yourself and accept them, partially or completely. Otherwise, there is nothing to do in the profession. From the editors: It would be unfair if we did not include Denis Kaplunov’s “response”. We present it without abbreviations, in the author’s version.

Any published article should be viewed not through the prism of the first emotion, but with the help of the good old technique (which will live as long as people live) “Five Whys” – often three “whys” are enough. First, we ask the question “Why was this article written?”. Each person answers for themselves based on the opinion they have formed. The next step is to ask “Why?” to the thought formulated in the answer. And do this until you reach a thought that by definition does not need “why?”. It doesn’t fit any of the old tactics, but it performs all the functions of a headline, provided that the right target audience is directed to it.