What is Receivables Management?

Receivables management , one of the important parameters. Of the capital of companies, arises as a result of the sales made by the companies. The period from the sale to the collection is called the receivables collection period. Clueyou may be interested in our management consultancy page. Therefore, where the details of our management consultancy approach. Consultancy process and services are explained .The dictionary meaning of the concept. Of collection appears as ” collecting receivables or collecting those not paid. Therefore, within the due date through legal means.” Therefore, receivables management refers to the process. Of managing buyer relationships and due payments regarding. Receivables and debts incurred in return for a specific service or product.

Collection management

It is all of the actions that must be taken in order to realize the receivables arising from the sales of the C Level Executive List businesses in a timely and planned manner. Therefore, the concepts of sales and collection are equivalent to each other. If there is no collection, there is no expense. A sale without collection is not a sale. The concept of collection is vital for businesses to comply with the conditions of the current period, to grow steadily despite intense competition, and to continue the company’s activities.What is the Most Effective Collection Tool? Therefore, how to Perform Effective Collection Management?The most effective and fastest collection tool today is the telephone . 80% of collection-related communications occur over the phone.

Previously the collection

Process was carried out by fax, SMS or one-on-one meetings. If what is said on the phone has 20% impact, how it is said has 80% impact. Telephone communication etiquette is very important. Attention should be Aero Leads paid to the way of speaking. People make judgments about the personality and character of the person making the collection call based on the speaking etiquette and tone of voice on the other end of the phone. It is very important to give your customer an opening speech in the right tone of voice. It is necessary to always be polite, speak concisely and clearly, and act professionally.