This function metric is a goldmine of long-term actionable data as it tracks the level of interaction for all the content you create including videos. Articles. Photos. Or any combination of those elements. Understanding your update data will help you to understand what content is resonating with your audience and the messaging or content that isn’t. If you’re looking to try out a new content format. Check out our blog ‘7 popular content types and how to use them’. The update highlights feature shows you what kind of reaction you are getting every month. Comments. Likes. And shares are all reflecte here so you can track your content’s performance over your timeline. Why choose dmi?
Employee advocacy analytics
Employee advocacy analytics you can use employee advocacy analytics to evaluate the content quality and engagement of posts that your staff share on linkein. The metrics include here are the number of recommendations made for employees connecte to your linkein page. Reshares. And the number of comments by linkein members on the posts. This function latest database is a great way to see how much your employees are engaging with your content and subsequently those on linkein. After all. Your best advocates should be your employees so encouraging them to share relevant content is a great way to drive brand awareness and build an employer brand that attracts and retains talent.
Talent brand analytics
Talent brand analytics these analytics are linke to linkein’s career pages and help you understand how to improve your engagement with that specific audience. This is important to companies looking to engage and attract new talent to the company. It can help you showcase your brand as an employer. Promote jobs. Engage Aero Leads and connect with candidates and share your company’s story. 6) competitor analytics linkein competitor analysis linkein competitor analysis this function introduce at the end of 2021 to replace ‘companies to track’ is a great way to see what your competitors are doing and compare your performance with them.