The marketing strategy behind our first product on Amazon

The marketing strategy behind our first product on Amazon. If I add up everything we have spent on this first product and the new variations, we may have already exceeded 10k. It is a relevant figure but not too high to launch a new product on Amazon. The challenge we have is that it is a very niche product that does not have relevant searches on Amazon. In fact, many people are unaware of it, so we have to apply another type of marketing to make it known.

A free sales sample of one of our products on Amazon

The marketing strategy behind our first product on Amazon. A free sales sample of one of our products on Amazon Every time I sell my first Amazon email contact list product it comes with a free sample of the new product. About 250-300 units are sold every month. It can vary quite a bit. The good thing is that every sale is an opportunity to get a new customer for the new product. The strategy pays off slowly. You have to be patient.

Variations of the same product

Variations of the same product They have already asked us about product variations. We are in it to have them as soon as possible. It will possibly take between 2-4 months until we have them published on Amazon. These variations AERO Leads have the potential to be more in demand. In a first step we decided to create the most niche product because in Europe there is practically no competition.