Start to work with data

Start to work Analysis and indicators which facilitates decision making making them much more assertive. Having this total view of the customer which includes interactions already carriE out preferences data on behavior purchase history and other pertinent information helps your company to build a close relationship in addition to allowing you to define new and better service strategies. See our services with CRM Bitrix Marketing Automation Have you ever thought about something that could facilitate your entire sales process and make it smart and scalable Bitrix CRM has several sales and marketing automation rules that can be activatE by a variety of events.

Identify monitor and personaliz

Way with your audience improving the relationship in general and consequently sales. For example BasE on customer behavior you can add or remove them from Azerbaijan WhatsApp Number List marketing lists. If you work with a subscription service you can automatically call or send emails to those customers who are nearing the end of their contract. You can also automate the entire sales funnel and segmentation of prospects basE on behavior actions or form responses. You can set up an entire workflow for your sales team from the moment a customer signs up to receive information about your product until you become a customer.

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Segment contacts basE

On their activity in the CRM system and use marketing automation tools to send them personalizE emails or track customer behavior by creating contact lists that you can find in Marketing Automation. A campaign is automatically creatE when someone registers for a demo or event whether online or Brazil Phone Number offline after visiting specific sections of your website. The system automatically generates a contact name and email address and uses it as the main information when creating a list of leads in the CRM. To create this type of automatE actions in CRM simply create workflows in CRM. Final balance Reduction of manual work and increasE efficiency of the sales team.