Not everyone is aware of the dangers of the internet. One of the explanations for this is the fact that, as interactions. Take place at a distance, there is a false sense of security. Also because the virtual environment is often accessed at home. However, we cannot forget that the internet is open to all types of people, and this includes. Criminals and those with bad intentions. So, you need to take as much precaution as possible so as not to end up exposing yourself too much and becoming a victim. With this in mind, we prepared this content to discuss the subject a little more, showing the dangers of the virtual environment. We also leave you some internet and social media safety tips to ensure your safety. Follow along!
How do young people use the internet?
Everyone is exposed to the dangers of the Australia Telegram Number Data internet. However, children and adolescents are at an even greater risk, due to their inexperience and, often, also their innocence and naivety. The number of young people who access the internet is large here in brazil. In 2022, 92% of children and adolescents aged between 9 and 17 had accessed the internet. This part of the population tends to use the virtual environment for the most different activities. The main one is listening to music, an answer given by 87% of respondents to the tic kids online brasil survey ..
82% of respondents said they watch videos, series or films . 80% also use the internet to study, doing research for school work. Another 79% send instant messages, 65% use the internet to do research of their own volition and 32% use it to chat via video calls. In addition to these uses, young people are also on social networks, and the main one is instagram, with 64% of them. Tik tok comes next, with 60%, and facebook with 47%. Therefore, they also need to know how to protect themselves on social networks and the internet in general, since they are frequent users of the virtual environment.
Some common risks in the virtual environment
It is important to highlight that it is not just Australia Telegram Number young people. From the moment a person accesses the virtual environment, if they are not. Cautious, they already run several risks and could become a victim of crimes of the most varied types. Below, we talk about some of these dangers so you can better understand. The precautions to be taken on social media, when accessing websites, blogs and other online environments.