Apple Brand Identity Prism

There that can connect with customers. The brand should have a unique personality. Have your own beliefs or determination Including a different identity. Brand Identity Prism is one of the concepts in the process of creating success for brands. That reflects the brand’s view as a messenger. Target customers as recipients of the message with elements, namely. Kapferer’s Brand Identity Prism Model Physique Creating a physical personality that can be seen through logos. Colors, shapes is the first foundation of a brand that reflects a brand’s overall picture of. Representing anything And how do we, as brand owners, want our target audience to recognize us.

Building a brand culture

It is something that brands have to consider how we will Sri Lanka WhatsApp Number List produce our products and services. that reach the emotions of the target audience as seen from the physical personality of our brand Personality Preferences The brand personality (Brand Personality) clearly will make our brand know how to communicate with outsiders. Through the use of tone, design, use of text and content in various types of advertisements. Take Coca Cola as an example of its happy and fun personality. The stories that are convey through advertisements are focus on fun. the joy of being with family and friends The use of letters and tones in advertisements emphasizes fun letters and tones.

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This brand is for health

The Mountain Dew drink is adventurous. Therefore, brands should clearly define these characteristics. And combine them through various touchpoints, whether AERO Leads websites, applications, emails and other forms of communication. to reach customer groups Culture of a brand’s identity. The culture can be both the creation of culture from within the organization. Including bringing the origin of the brand or product to use And convey through products or services to the target group to be aware.

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