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With the exception of Il Manifesto . Wound in the s by left-wing terrorists, Montanelli was canoniz as a heroic defender of democracy and freom. After this “cowardly offense” inflict on his statue by paint-sprayers, an itorialist for the Corriere della Serahe insist that this hero should be remember as a “sacr” figure. However, this “barbaric” act prov fruitful in revealing to many Italians Montanelli’s “sacr” achievements: in the s, as a young journalist, he extoll the fascist empire and its racial hierarchies; Sent to Ethiopia as a war correspondent, he promptly purchas a -year-old Eritrean girl to satisfy her sexual and domestic nes.

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For many commentators these were the “customs of the time” and therefore any accusation of support for colonialism, racism and sexism was unjust and unjustifi. However, as late as the s, Montanelli continu Telecommunications Email List to condemn mestizaje as a source of civilizational decline, with arguments taken directly from theArthur Gobineau’s – Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races . These were in fact the same arguments vigorously defend by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in that same period against the civil rights movement in the Unit States. And against all evidence, the spiritual father of two generations of Italian journalism fiercely deni that the fascist army had carri out mustard gas bombings during the Ethiopian war.

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The “barbarians” of Milan only want to remind us of these simple facts. It is certainly interesting to note that most of the political leaders, intellectuals, and journalists outrag by the current wave of Aero Leads hooliganism” have never express similar outrage over the repeat episodes of police violence, racism, injustice, and systemic inequality against which the protests are direct. They must have felt quite comfortable in that position. Many of them even prais the contrarian iconoclastic storm years ago, when statues of Marx, Engels and Lenin were toppl across central and eastern Europe.