You can access your account settings

Once you have everything configur,  that you want to be publish. You can do it manually, from a CSV file or by linking to an RSS fe. When you have already add all the content you want to your autolist, remember to go back to the Autolists tab and click on the option to activate so that it starts publishing. You can activate and deactivate it whenever you want and you will also see the trash icon in case you want to delete any that you are no longer going to use. How to manage your social networks with Metricool? To manage your social networks with Metricool you have the Inbox section.

There you will be able to see

The private messages and comments UK Phone Number List of the different social networks that you have connect, so from the same tool you can manage all the social profiles. You can select the social networks that you want to be shown (if they are in color they are active and if they are gray they are not) and you have three tabs: Unresolv , for messages and comments that are not mark as resolv. Unread , for messages and comments you haven’t read yet. All , for all messages and comments. Additionally, you can search for a message or comment, or filter by private messages, comments, or reviews.

Phone Number List

But rather continues doing so

You will ne the payment account in order to have more options available and to be able to manage all your clients from the tool. There are different options and they are very Aero Leads cheap, so see how much you ne and choose the one that best suits it. How to configure your Metricool profile? Once your account is creat,  and there you will find 5 options: Identification ,  the user and email and your password. You can also turn on two-step authentication (works with an authenticator app) and access your API. Settings , where you can select your language, your time zone, if you want to receive a monthly summary by mail and the email to which you want to receive it.