I am 53 years old and in the pandemic I start to paint, they tell me that I do not do it badly and that I should sell my paints, my question is if I have to make a company account or a normal one, I am not autonomous, I would do this as a hobbyist, what do you advise? Thank you so much. Reply Jessica Quero 06/14/2022 at 10:20 Hello Sonia. My recommendation is that you create a creator account, which is intend for artists (among others). So you can have the statistics to analyze your publications.
All the best Jessica
Reply More and more users use the Internet Israel Phone Number List to research before mak a purchase, look for the best offer and the best recommendations from other users who have already purchas that product or service. And more and more people are turn to social networks to share their experiences with a brand or company, whether it is good or bad. Therefore, it is not worth just that your company is on social networks, you must have a good strategy. Do you have a good strategy in Social Networks? Your strategy will help you increase sales of your products or services CLICK TO TWEET You may also be interest in: What are Social Networks and what are they for.
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Beginners Post Index [ show ] your Social Networks? With this question I am not referr to the platforms that exist for sale on Social Networks, such as Facebook Marketplace, but to whether your social profiles can help you increase the sale of your products or services. And the answer is yes, but not in the short Aero Leads term. Social networks are design to create relationships between users and also between users and companies. This is what will help you increase your sales. But for this, it is not enough just to have a presence on social networks, but you will ne to create a social mia plan and implement it on your social profiles, publish content that brs you closer to your goal and monitor the results obtain to find out if it is successful.