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Adapt to the screen size of any device. This means that your website will be easily navigable and readable on desktop, tablet and smartphone. Use a responsive framework: There are various frameworks, such as Bootstrap or Foundation, that can help you get started with responsive design. These frameworks offer pre-built templates that automatically adapt to your screen size. Design with a mobile-first approach: Mobile-first is a design approach that starts with the mobile version of your site and then scales to larger

Screen sizes

This ensures that your site is optimized for mobile viewing, which is now a priority for Google. Use CSS media queries: Media queries are business email list a fundamental tool for responsive design. They allow you to apply different styles depending on the screen size of your device. For example, you may want to change the arrangement of elements or the size of text on smaller screens. Test your site on various devices and browsers : Make sure your site works well on different devices and browsers. You can use tools like

Browser Stack to test

Browser Stack to test your site on different platforms. Optimize page loading speed : Page loading speed is a key factor in user experience Aero Leads and ranking on Google. Use tools like PageSpeed ​​Insights to analyze and improve your site speed. Make your site easily navigable : Make sure your site is easy to navigate on mobile devices, with clearly visible and functional menus and links. Use readable text : The text on your site must be easily readable on mobile devices, with appropriately sized fonts and sufficient contrast