As you work If you are promoting a brand

As you work accumulate data on goals and then choose automatic solutions. By setting up a campaign and managing it manually you will be able to correctly understand goals and target metrics how google ads works and other features. If you lower your target metrics and your competitors set real metrics your ads will be at a disadvantage during the auction. Random addition of keywords when setting up search advertising you should pay attention to the technical metric “quality score”. This metric affects the cost per click the higher the indicator the lower the price of traffic.

Communication with the audience

 The score is based on relevance page quality and expected ctr. The higher the latter is the better answer you will give to the user’s request. Relevance determines the identity of the query with both the ad text and the headlines. The quality indicator is a composite one it depends on conversion the presence of adaptability page loading speed and other metrics. A high score can be obtained as a result of proper grouping and subsequent clustering of keywords. If the page mobile app designs service with key phrases has ratings below then it is worth checking the correct grouping of queries and the quality of the ads and landing page.

Statistics collection and analysis

emantic core for contextual advertising how to assemble without errors read also semantic core for contextual advertising how to assemble without errors contextual advertising beginners tools no tracking of clicked search queries after Aero Leads launching the campaign it is necessary to monitor the requests for which the ads are running. View the query report implemented in google ads.