WordPress 4.0 – News, Problems and Solutions of the new

A new version of WordPress has been available for a few days, specifically I am referring to the WordPress 4.0 version. This new update comes loaded with great new features that improve the previous version of WordPress 3.x and which I will try to explain in detail. But as always it is not free of problems that can make our transition to it a little annoying. Which I will try to explain. I have seen during the first days of use, as well as other WordPress errors that I have been able to collect in forums for this application.

Improvements in the Navigation of the Multimedia Library

The multimedia library has always been one of the weakest points of this tool, on the one hand because the elements cannot be categorized and on the other hand because its navigation is very annoying and not very visual. In this new version they have solved the second of these problems by providing a visualization of the multimedia library in grid mode, giving Outlook Email Lists it the visual aspect it needed. Visual improvement of the plugin installer. The plugin installer was one of the sections that had not been visually improved for a long time.

Problems with WordPress 4.0 and how to solve them

New version of WordPress, new problems in sight , this is something that sadly our friend WordPress always brings us under his arm, but to try to overcome the headaches, I wanted to make a list of the main problems detected so that you can have as sole objective to help solve these problems. If you have problems with WordPress 4.0. I recommend that you take a look at the main WordPress errors and Aero Leads problems, and their solution. This page contains the most frequent errors and problems that have been collected from previous versions. And we can find a good solution to resolve them.