On the details of the placement of the ad text images terms payment. Next the channel owner places your ad on his channel and you pay. a Telegram channel can be risky because the channel owner can accept the payment but not meet the conditions. For example don’t place ads close them with new posts or delete them quickly after posting. your channel using this method you must be very careful to check the reputation of the owner and the content of the channel before paying. Buying ads on an exchange is safer than trying to negotiate directly with channel owners.
Therefore if you decide to advertise
Ad Exchanges in Buying ads through Estonia B2B List specializ exchanges is one of the most effective ways to promote on . Here you have to pay a commission but all hosting channels are interest in advertising; the exchange monitors the fulfillment of conditions; the channel owner receives payment after fulfilling his obligations. You can choose which channel to advertise on bas on various criteria number of subscribers; average placement cost; matching your channel theme etc. ne to negotiate with channel managers. Ad exchange Ad exchange is a specializ exchange where you can choose when to post track placements and get ad statistics in your personal account.
This way of buying ads on
Examples of exchanges telegram remote target AERO Leads telecommunicator su In addition when paying through the exchange you can be as an individual or a legal entity in the latter case you will be able to receive the settlement documents requir by the accountant. The ad in the official placement in consists of a small text and a button it only appears on channels with more than 1000 subscribers and will unobtrusively introduce your channel on many other channels. A full guide on how to set up.