Who cannot distinguish some colours

Independence is not possible without control, and control without sufficient information. A means of determining the current state is very necessary so that the user has sufficient information about the changing conditions in the interface. For example, restarting the iPhone during the update. The problem is that it is not clear when it will all end. There is a progress indicator, but this is not enough for the user, he does not know when he will be able to use the iPhone again. 8. Make sure you provide accurate current status information. The information you provide may be current but inaccurate. For example, when the user wants to update the iPhone.

Take care of hints for people with colour

The system will inform him that it will take 15 minutes, but in fact it will take longer, and iCloud will copy for another 20 minutes. 9. blindness. Whenever you use color to convey information, you should additionally provide clear clues so that a person Lithuania Phone Number List can read the information. For example, if you highlight a link in a color that the user does not distinguish, it will blend in with the main text. The link may not be recognize. 10. Test the sites you design to know how people who do not distinguish colors see them.

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Account certain defects of people

There are tools that allow you to look at your site through the eyes of people with different forms of color blindness. In this way, you can detect problems in the interfaces and “fix” them. After all, why do we nee technology at all, if it does not take into. At the same AERO Leads time, you Hiring, setting goals and the “sins of a manager”: key insights from Genesis Management School Two years ago, Nina Romaschenko, SEO Content Team Lead at Legit from the Genesis ecosystem, was in charge of an SEO team of 25 people, and now she manages more than 70 specialists.

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