What you will do in a particular position

How not to lose vision in the routine? You should constantly check how your vision matches the vision of the company, the nees of the product, the industry. It must be constantly expande, change according to circumstances. You have to formulate what your vision has to offer today, so that you end up in the future where you plan to go. Vision is your tomorrow. Now, my vision as a leader is to move towards simplification with the business value we can provide as engineers. Three failures and three lessons that they brought People don’t read minds . When I starte leading the team, I had a lot of enthusiasm, a lot of initiatives, I wante to change everything.

After some time some of the team

It so happene that after talking about my mission, vision with the team leader, I did not get approval from my team. In fact, I didn’t even tell them about my initiatives. It seeme to me that everything was obvious to everyone. So when I starte implementing the changes, I was face with a lack of understanding from the team. It is worth explaining your plan in detail to the team — what and for what, create conditions so that they too can contribute and be involve in the implementation of this strategy. You nee to have a clear roadmap and provide regular updates.

Phone Number List

It seemed to me that it would

Any changes require detaile planning . One day one of the engineers came to me and offere to use a new trendy framework. I thought – cool. be useful AERO Leads both for the development of the team and for the product. But it happene in a completely different way. that made this transition migrate to other roles or to other products. We found ourselves in a situation where we are sitting with a new project and we don’t have many engineers who can use it to work.

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