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This isn’t entirely new, but Tailwind’s popularity has caused developers to reconsider this approach. Tailwind homepage Tailwind homepage Some might argue that it’s almost “writing CSS in HTML” where you can’t actually change components from CSS and update them everywhere. Technically, that’s true, but when your components are JS files in a React/Vue app, for example, you update them in one place.

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Perhaps one of the drawbacks is that you need to learn another category email list  framework. It’s not just CSS. You need to remember the properties because some elements might look like this: class=”text-xl font-semibold text-white sm:text-2xl sm:leading-7 sm:text-black md:text-3xl” There will always be people who love it (and hate it), but it’s a great solution to many problems. Also, you won’t know if it will work until you try it.

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New CSS features Using new CSS features can become a  B2C Database trend in itself. This isn’t a change to any specific feature or approach, but it does challenge the way you’ve coded in the past. Professional? it solves many problems. bad person? Backward compatibility. But thanks to advances in browser vendors over the past year or two (looking at you, Microsoft), the vast majority of users around the.