What is Wayback Machine and how to use this tool

The internet is full of great surprises and tools that can be very useful when you learn to use them. One of the best tools you can find is the Wayback Machine. Which is also considered a perfect method to go back in time. Although it is not new in the sector, it is still a very interesting tool for analyzing a web page. This is a new tool that belongs to the Internet Archive website where you can view the different web pages in previous years. In addition, it has a repertoire that includes billions of web pages to view and are accessible to all audiences. The latter, despite having been created only for a specific audience that included researchers.

What is Wayback Machine exactly

Now that you know the story behind the Internet Archive. We will explain in greater detail what the Wayback Machine is. This is known as a crucial part of the Internet Archive website. Because it was created to capture the content of a deleted or modified website, with each change. This means that, if you want to access an old version Cambodia Telegram Number Data of a web page, you will be able to see all the changes that were made. Likewise, you can observe the modifications that a web page had through the screenshots made by the Wayback Machine. It was in 2001 when the Internet Archive made all its content available to the general public, since this type of information was only accessible to researchers. However, Wayback Machine had begun collecting various data from the web since 1996.

How does the Wayback Machine work

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You’re probably wondering how the Wayback Machine works, and its function is quite simple. Upon its launch, the tool captured content from a website after a modification or deletion. So it is possible to view even some web pages that have been deleted over time. Likewise, the main function Aero Leads was to be able to save content that no longer existed within the website for research purposes. However, it was delivered to the general public and has been very useful for researching different content. For this, Wayback Machine uses two main functions, which we explain below. Storage and collections Currently this web page contains a large amount of historical content that is maintained on Linux nodes.