What Is Upper Third in University

So what is happening with the teaching staff? Why the negative attitude. The answer is clear: we are afraid of a what we don’t know. Fear tends to paralyze us. To not involve us and distance us, it does not allow us to see further and that is where prejudices. Pretexts and lack of management appear in the classroom. It is pertinent to remember that there is knowledge about learning styles. And the use of ICT as technological tools that contribute to the achievement of significant learning. In addition to this, the emotional variable must be taken into account.

We fail when we stop trying

Did you know that there are inclusive laws and that there are five countries in the world that take them into account? These countries are Chile, Italy, Luxembourg, Paraguay and Portugal. In the latter. It focuses on creating a school culture business database where everyone finds opportunities to learn, responding to the needs of each student, promoting equity. And non-discrimination. It would be interesting if Peru were also part of this group.

Let us take into account that

It is important to focus on the person and not on their supposed disability. We must keep in mind that part of our skills are formed at home. Being stimulated from a very young age. Added to this are individual differences, multiple intelligences. The styles in which we learn, the development of autonomy and creative thinking. We have to consider, unavoidably. That the human being is a biopsychosocial Aero Leads being and that because of this we think, feel. And adapt to situations according to our learning along with the balance of our emotions.