What is Task Management?

So, what is the mission? Let’s think about the situation of moving from one city to another, which we all experience in our daily lives. The moving process is a project. To do this, there are many things that need to be done over a long period of time. In addition to these, there are also minor subheadings required for the realization of the moving process project. For example, purchasing cardboard boxes to start the moving process is a task. And there must be someone responsible for this task. Tasks, on the other hand, contain an action. Actions must be carried out within a certain time period. To move the house, cardboard boxes must be brought by person Z, in X quantity, by DD/MM/YYYY.Characteristics of a TaskContains action. There is an action because it is a matter of whether the task is done or not

Events that are not actions are not tasks

Reading a book is an activity. For an event to be a, it must be assigned as a  from one Industry Email List person to another. For example, a teacher says, “Read Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis during the semester break.” may give a such as: In a, there is a  giver and a  owner. In the example, the person giving the task is the teacher, and the person responsible for the task is the student.It must be carried out within a certain time period. Many people, such as employees, managers, company partners or owners, have many roles.The system in which we can see to what extent the tasks are completed as a whole is called task management. The task management process defined in this way is successful when considered from a systematic perspective.

The activities that take place in companies

The result of tasks. For this reason, in order for companies to achieve their goals, all employees Aero Leads must complete the tasks they are responsible for in a timely and effective manner. But each employee carries out hundreds, perhaps thousands, of tasks. Therefore, if the  processes are managed more effectively, it will be easier for the company to achieve its goals. Task management processes start with planning. First, “who should be given which task?” The answer to the question is sought. When viewed this way, tasks can be likened to a to-do list. Let’s look at the example of moving house.