What is Structural SEO and How Does it Work in 2024

What is Structural SEO and how does this technique work? Structural SEO brings together a set of Search Engine Optimization techniques , applied to the structure of a website, which aim to position the website and its pages in prominent positions on the response pages of major search engines, such as Google, Bing and others. SEO work consists of using a series of techniques and strategies, which are applicable to the different dimensions of a website, blog or online store, seeking greater exposure in search tools. In the case of Structural SEO.

We work with a set of techniques that are applied to the structure of the website itself, so that together with other search dimensions . We can guarantee the findability of your pages and their prominence in the response pages of the major search engines.

Understanding what Structural SEO is, its importance and the impact it has on other dimensions of the website optimization process is a basic condition for you to be successful in this area. In this article, we will show you what Structural SEO is, its importance for the SEO process as a whole, and some of the main points to be observed when starting to prepare the structure for website optimization. Structural SEO in the context of the four dimensions of SEO How important is Structural SEO.

How to do Structural SEO work on your website


Hosting provider 2 – Website platform 3 – Website structure 4 – Additional technical resources 5 – Integration with Google tools Structural SEO FAQs Structural SEO in our SEO Course Structural SEO in the context of the four dimensions of SEO.  So that you can better understand what Structural SEO is, and contextualize it in the website optimization process, it is important to show the different dimensions of SEO.

DB to Data: Transforming DB into actionable accurate mobile phone number list statistics is important this for the and the important and the our and to the for for agencies. Database structures store structured facts, and converting this into significant insights drives strategic selections. With proper DB control, raw information may be processed, analyzed, and used for reporting, supporting corporations optimize operations and forecast trends efficaciously and the work and this for is the thank you.

On Page SEO – SEO techniques applied individually to each of the website’s pages to position them at the top of search engine response pages – see details ; Off Page SEO – SEO strategies that aim to generate backlinks to a website’s pages and thus highlight them on search engine response pages – see details .


How important is Structural SEO



Structural SEO is the first step in the process of optimizing websites for search engines and is fundamental to the development of the other three dimensions of SEO. We can say that it is the basis for the entire process. How to do Structural SEO work on your website Now that you have a good initial idea of ​​what Structural.


SEO is and its basic principles, let’s move on to the practical part and detail how to apply Structural SEO techniques to your website. As previously stated in this article, Structural SEO techniques are applied to the various elements that make up a website, such as its sections, pages and other technical elements that are part of the website as a whole.


So let’s look at the main points of the Structural SEO process that you should pay attention to. 1 – Hosting provider What is Structural SEO if not the care you should take with the structure of your website? Therefore, the first thing to do is to host it with a high-performance provider.


Google simply hates slow websites with long response times for page loads, so always choose a hosting provider with great performance. 2 – Website platform The platform, that is, the system you use to create your website, such as WordPress , for example, plays a very important role in Structural SEO. Good programming practices and resources for implementing website optimization techniques are some points that should be observed.

Website structure Another important


point in structural SEO is the issue of organizing the sections that make up the website. In fact, we are talking about usability here. Correctly organize the different sections of the website and make them communicate through links, within a logic in terms of navigation and also in terms of the semantics of the keywords. 4 – Additional technical resources In SEO we have some technical resources that, although not apparent, are essential for you to achieve good positions in the response pages of the major search engines. Items such as Robots sitemap and other guidance resources for search engines such as Google and Bing are essential to be well positioned in the SERPs . 5 – Integration with Google tools In addition to the issues of the website itself, it is in the structural .

SEO stage that we integrate with external tools that are in a way part of the SEO process. For example, this is where we connect the website to Google Search Console , Google Analytics , and some other tools that help us in the optimization process.


When we do strategic SEO planning , the first item to be discussed is precisely the suitability of the website, its hosting, platform and resources for executing the website optimization service. Likewise, when we do an SEO audit, one of the first points to be analyzed is also the structure that this set offers, because this has a profound impact on the Crawl Budget and other technical aspects of SEO. That’s why I always say that SEO work starts at the base, that is, in the very structure of the element to be optimized.

Structural SEO FAQs


Below we list some of the most frequently asked questions about Structural SEO, so that you can create your website, or redesign an existing one, in order to gain greater exposure on the answer pages of Google and other major search engin I optimize a website without worrying about structural SEO? Definitely not. As I said before, structural SEO is the foundation of the entire Search Engine Optimization process. You can’t start building a building from the second floorneed to know how to program to do structural SEO? Not necessarily.

Most content platforms and e-commerce platforms already come equipped with resources to implement structural SEO techniques appropriate I do a good bank accounts for students job of structural SEO on any website? Yes. Even if you have a website that was developed on a dedicated platform, it is possible to do a good job of structural SEO, but in this case you will need the support of a developer.


If you have any other questions


About what Structural SEO is, its techniques and applications, leave your question in our comments area. Structural SEO in our SEO Course In our SEO course , we begin the presentation of the four dimensions of SEO precisely with Structural SEO, since this is a fundamental step in building a website with high ranking potential on Google’s answer pages. By knowing what Structural SEO is , you can adapt the various pages, sections and other elements of your website to achieve prominent positions in searches made on search engines. Keep up to date with this and other SEO concepts by subscribing to our Newsletter.

How to create relevant content for your website In times of SEO and Inbound Marketing, the question of how to create relevant content for your website or blog should be a constant concern, as a mistake in this matter can ruin your entire content marketing agb directory strategy. For traffic attraction and lead capture strategies to work, we need to go far beyond the simple issue of defining how to create relevant content for your website, and also address the problem of how to generate engagement in this content. It’s one thing to create content, but it’s another thing entirely to make that content generate leads.

Content that doesn’t generate returns is just that, low-quality content that doesn’t generate returns. It is worth investing in content marketing , informing your readers and adding something to people’s daily lives.


This can help encourage them to

purchase your prod Marketing Persona For those who want to know how to create relevant content for their website or blog, the first piece of advice is to define your Marketing Persona . The Persona is essential to determine the type of content that can .  A Marketing Persona is a character that you develop during the planning stage of your digital marketing strategy, which represents the audience you want to reach.

Identify what the needs and interests of your target audience are so you can produce content that is truly appealing to them. The more you know your audience, the more efficient your campaigns will be and consequently your conversion.


When creating a truly effective content . Marketing strategy, it is necessary to understand where your audience is in what we call the Consumer Purchase Journey . To attract the consumer to your Conversion Funnel , whether in a blog article associated with the brand or in content for social networks , it is essential to position yourself at the level of awareness that the consumer is at that specific moment.