What is Social Listening and what is it for

Does the term “ social listening ” sound familiar to you. In this post we are going to tell you what it is, what benefits it has and how you can get the most out of it. But for that, first we are going to put it in context. Currently. l networks are a fundamental communication channel between clients and companies. Thanks to the large percentage of the population active on networks that share their opinions and experiences daily. These have become one of the most valuable sources of information for social listening and therefore for companies and professionals. Who through This practice can know what opinion your brand generates and act accordingly.

Social Listening vs Social Media Monitoring

We tend to confuse listening with social media Betting Number Data monitoring , however, in addition to not being the same. What is Social the former encompasses the latter. Social listening goes beyond social networks, since as we explained in the previous section. It is an active practice of collecting information that is carried out on ALL  CHANNELS , including blogs, forums, etc. Its objective would be to use this information strategically, however. RRSS monitoring focuses its attention on this channel. What is carrying out a reactive activity, in which comments and interactions of users with the brand are not only sought, but also elaborate responses to those comments.

Know the opinion of users about the competition

Special Data

Just as the company can search for information about its own Aero Leads brand, it can also do so about the competition and thus find out what their strengths and weaknesses are, and what opinions they generate about the audience.  Monitoring of campaigns and events Another benefit of social listening is that we can know practically live how an event or campaign is developing, not only at the moment it takes place, but also before and after. For this reason, it is easy to detect errors or poor reception before analyzing the results later. Identify influencers With the practice of social listening, you can find influencers or micro-influencers whose audience matches that of the brand .