What happens to it after the release

The Genesis Front-end Hackathon was organize in mid-October, before the strengthening of quarantine in the capital. > Frontend week > How the frontend hackathon went > Release the product in two days > What is the result > Feeback from participants Frontend week To work out the interface and release the product, companies hire front-end developers. Frontend week at Genesis was organize to increase the number of cool specialists in the market. For five days, the participants devote their evenings to learning and delving into the intricacies of the work of product teams. At the same time, the thematic week does not compete with programming courses, explains project manager Dana Bilousova, who was responsible for organizing the event.

Theme week include an overview

The courses teach how to write code. Anyone can go through them and become a beginner developer. But it is difficult to understand where to move Bolivia B2B List next. Especially when you don’t know how the IT industry works in general and the product team in particular. That’s what the training was deicate to,” says Dana. She adds that there were also technical lectures, but even there the lecturers did not teach how to write code from scratch, but told how to make it cleaner. Lectures during the week were given by middle and senior level Genesis frontend developers, as well as a designer and a product manager.

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The interaction between a developer

The peculiarity of working on a product is that you not only write code, but also work closely with other team members. So the developer has to be at least a little bit oriente in everything — both in design, and in SEO promotion, and in the backend,” Dana Bilousova AERO Leads shares . For example, a lecture on design was devote to the main mistakes in and a designer. At the lecture on product management, they told what stages work on the product consists of and. Other topics covere during the of front-end development in product IT, the place of front-end in a product team, SEO basics and resume preparation. All lectures are freely available, you can view them at the link.