What are motivating texts in Enem

Every selection process that asks for an essay.  It the Enem, entrance exams or contests, presents an essay proposal. This proposal is formed by the theme selected for that edition. The instructions given to the candidate and a set of verbal and non-verbal texts. In contests and entrance exams, this set has the popular name of textual collection. However, in the National High School Examination. The textual collection is called motivating texts . Within the Enem, the motivating texts have the function of making the thematic outline of the essay proposal and motivate the candidate to think about the subject.

As we said, the materials

the Enem textual collection can be verbal in the form of texts, reports, excerpts from books, etc. And non-verbal graphics, infographics, cartoons, advertising Chile Mobile Number List pieces, strips, maps, etc .  And although they are an essential part of the context for writing the essay. The motivating texts should be seen as the starting point and not as the candidate’s only reference. Therefore, you should not quote or copy excerpts from this statement in your writing. How to write a note essay on EnemHow to use (and not use) motivating texts in the Enem essay Although there are contests .

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The Enem Writing Guide dictates

that the motivating texts should be used together with the writing proposal as a basis for the candidate to understand what is being requested. Therefore, pay attention to the following points: Read the statement carefully before analyzing  Aero leads  the motivating texts. Write down in topic forms the subjects and areas covered in the collection and that are related to the topic of the essay. You can use the essay draft sheet. Try to see the relationship between all the texts in the collection, that is, the complementary and opposing points. This will help to identify what needs to be discussed in your essay in relation to the proposed topic.