We digress – (as far as the agreement with the client allows us) each step of the advertising campaign. So let’s go: Step 1 Cold traffic acquisition. First, we broke this step separately by Facebook and Instagram, as well as by language.: 1. Sushi, Japanese cuisine, Restaurants 2. LAL2% of those who bought 3. GEO only, no interests Of course, we did not forget to exclude from this step all those who have already visite the site and performe some action . For them, we have the following funnel steps. By the way, the main part of the budget was spent on the first step, since attraction is always more expensive than subsequent work with retargets.
We use the following audiences
What did we get at this point? Social Purchases: 232 Purchase Conversion Value: $6,780.78 Total Ad Spend: $2,044.03 Average ROAS: 3.32 Step 2 We return to the site those who visite us, but for some reason decide not to do anything the first time. But in vain – sushi is delicious, and retargeting is strong! From this step, we no longer divide social networks into separate groups, but only into languages. Here we show ads to those who: 1. Visite the site 2. Interacte with us on facebook 3. Interacte with us on instagram purchase initiation etc.
Every dollar spent earning
The bottom line is: Social Purchases: 48 Purchase Conversion Value: $1,500.83 Total Ad Spend: $552.07 Average ROAS: 2.72 We agree, this step let us AERO Leads down a little, but it is such an insidious one. At the same time, ROAS is quite acceptable – for $ 2.7 is already quite good. Step 3 We start interacting with those who adde to the cart in the last 60 days, but for some reason did not move towards a full order.