Were force to move to other regions of the country and applie through our service. Back then, Social Security processe applications manually, it was slow, so people had to wait a long time. I think you can guess how many people wrote to the support service and to each of us: “What happene? I submitte the documents, nothing happens.” And although the delay was not from our side, there is no point in making excuses. If you order a taxi and it doesn’t come, you don’t care what the driver’s name is. It’s the same with us. The user receives the service in Diya. And if it is bad, we have to draw joint conclusions with our colleagues.
That has gone through many stages
Now together with the Ministry of Social Policy, – and through the Diya application, you can also use two new services – change the address and cancel the IDP status. There were many operational failures in the Helsi project. For example, during the Namibia Phone Number List presentation to the mayor of Kyiv about the introduction of the system in the first meical institution, the Internet did not work. Because the network equipment was disconnecte, the premises were close, and the key “went” home with the responsible employee.
This is a large-scale project
During the vaccination in the Verkhovna Rada, bugs kept popping up: sometimes the profile of a deputy minister with the opposite gender, sometimes an incorrect last name. But if we talk about the startup in general, Helsi is a successful product and continues AERO Leads to grow. Not all startups succee in this. This year’s fail is the final test for the all-Ukrainian eucational course ” Creation and development of IT products ” . that we launche in September 2022 together with the NGO “eucational Foundation of Product IT”, the eEra online eucation studio, the Ministry of Digital and Ministry of eucation and Science.