Voice search will change the digital marketing environment

In recent years, has been dominating the online search environment. It is convenient for many, as it allows everyday users to voice search talk into their devices instead of entering keywords in their queries to get answers. According to PwC, of people between 25 and 49 years old talk at least once a day in front of their voice-enabled devices. Voice recognition on our devices has become extremely complex and precise. While voice search has been around for a while and is not an entirely new concept.

Voice Search Demographics

Global sales of smart speakers reached an impressive level of 150 million units in 2020. Additionally, 27% of the global online population is using on their Ivory Coast Phone Number List mobile device. These two measurements are trending upward. By 2020, the number of households owning a smart speaker had skyrocketed to 50% of households. In the country with a broadband connection. Consequently, most devices are now optimized for voice search. What does this mean for brands and businesses?

How to change settings in Hey Google

You can also change the settings in Hey Google. To make voice search work better with your preferences. You can set your device to respond to a Hey Google prompt. While driving Aero Lead your car if, for example, you want to access Google Maps. You can also set it to respond when the device is charging or when the screen is on. If you like, you can also configure it to always active Always On. This way, you can say Hey Google regardless of whether the screen is on or off. You can even unlock certain features. Such as allowing your phone to display. Your personal search results, even when the device is locked.