Bytest is a world leader in laboratory testing and non-destructive testing of materials, with a particular specialization in testing of sector. Since 2012 Bytest has been part of the TÜV group, a point of reference for certification, inspection.
materials and components used in the aeronautical
testing and training. Two years ago, Bytest decided to participate in the MECSPE fair in Parma, dedicated to the manufacturing industry. Being the first overseas data time at the event,it needed to present itself as a highly qualified company in the testing sector and to . There was also the need to make the public aware of the large equipment park that Bytest laboratories have and their uniqueness in the industrial panorama.
highlight its know-how in the many applications
How to do it? PROJECT After an initial briefing phase, we understood how a tour of the laboratories could convey this value to the visitor. From here the idea of using 360° immersive videos of the different laboratories was born. After an inspection where , we took care of writing the scripts. Subsequently, we planned the day of filming at the Bytest headquarters in Volpiano (Turin), filming 8 mini guided tours through a 360° camera.
we identified spaces and people to involve
This shooting method allows us to produce a video that subsequently allows the public to immerse themselves in the surrounding environment, both through viewers and through the YouTube function that gives the possibility of changing angles with the mouse. there was a Bytest manager who guided the virtual visit by explaining the functions of the laboratory and the machinery used. For the presentation of these videos at the fair.
Inside the individual spaces
we provided 3 Oculus viewers preloaded with the videos made that were worn by visitors to live the virtual experience. Finally, with the idea of leaving a tribute that could give continuity to the experience at the fair, we designed and made to measure graphics.What I don’t like or would change Remove blog posts This isn’t a homepage remove the blog posts, they are a distraction that can do nothing but drive people away from the page.
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Remove social links for employees Again, there two many interactive elements going on here and right near your CTAs. Remove them to get the Attention Ratio closer to . Read about Attention Ratio in pillar of this post. Remove rollover states rollover states which are distracting and imply interactivity.
All of the people and features have square
Thankfully, you can’t click on them, but adding confusion will reduce the efficacy of the page. Poor CTA contrast The CTA in the header is very hard to see. The bgb directory contrast of the button needs to be improved. And clicking it should smooth scroll down to the pricing grid. Need to build an agency landing page? Check out our Unbounce.
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Need a landing page template? If you need new templates for your marketing campaigns, check out our Unbounce landing page templates or keep an eye on the Unbounce category at Themeforest. And come back to see my next critique post on this blog. If you’re a designer yourself, hopefully you’ve learned a few tricks for your next landing page design.Oli explained that the section above the fold should very quickly communicate what your business is and what it does.
Takeaway Every other element should contribute to a congruent design, working together to align to a single goal. . Mike Svystun Marketing Manager, Vertalab Mike Syvstun Landing Page example before Mike Svystun is the Marketing Manager for Vertalab, a company that helps startups build web apps. The company launched this landing page in the context of a campaign to ultimately help raise brand awareness.
use improvement the offer lacks credibility
Peep and Oli found some areas that could The landing page positions Vertalab as an authority on the subject of launching web startups, but there are no elements that add legitimacy to their advice. There is no mention of certification or past ventures and the low number of social shares create negative social proof for the page.
The judges recommended that Mike , placing them instead how to start an online mental health business on the confirmation page. As Oli explained, leads are more likely to return a favor after you’ve already delivered. In lieu of the pathetic social share counters,
remove the social share buttons entirely
Mike could add testimonials or inject other social proof elements that point to the authority of Vertalab in the startup community. The form is uninspired With its generic CTA copy and bare bones design.
the form on Mike’s page could use a lot of work. Effectively, the opt in form on the page feels like it’s an afterthought, when it should be the star of the page. “Design the form as if it’s the only thing on the page. Oli Gardner Taking it a step further.