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Most of the public messages fall under the definition of “advertising”. So, taking into account these two laws, the amendments will affect: for the whole business; all brand mia; bloggers, regardless of the number of subscribers. An exception is non-commercial and private blogs, if they are not of public importance and are not a creative and potentially interesting platform for the audience; culture; all mia; public events. In simple words, the law concerns any action in the public field. What does the law apply to? The Feral Law specifies areas where the use of the Russian language as the state language is mandatory.

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These include, among others: state and municipal information systems; relations between public authorities. As well as official relations and correspondence of. Organizations of all forms of ownership Bulk SMS Colombia with citizens of the Russian Feration, stateless persons, foreign citizens; ucation. Money postal orders; registration of addresses of recipients and senders of postal items and telegrams; information for buyers of goods and consumers of services; other areas in which the use of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Feration is impli: legal proceings, activities and names of state bodies, inscriptions on road signs, writing names of geographical objects, mia products, etc. If foreign words are found in an advertising message, slogan, etc.

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Russian translation should be plac next to them. In this case, be sure to do it in the same font. The color and size must also match. All companies that place information and advertisements Aero Leads in the public field must comply with this requirement. What will happen to trademarks and branding Regarding branding and trademark creation, nothing will change. The changes did not affect: trade names; audio and audiovisual materials; trademarks; television and radio programs; service marks; print publications intend for teaching the state languages ​​of the republics that are part of.

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