Trenches and Excavations

Workers that perform trenching and excavation work are in danger of getting injured due to cave-ins. Employers should provide employees with protection methods, such as sloping, benching, shoring, or shielding. These injuries often result in death. Workers that survive suffer crush injuries, traumatic brain injuries, internal injuries, spinal cord injuries, or fractures. To prevent these from happening, you should: Ensure that there’s a safe way to enter and exit a trench or excavation. Make sure there’s cave-in protection. If not, don’t enter it. See if there’s any standing water and test for atmospheric hazards to make sure you don’t suffocate, inhale toxic materials, or drown.

Being struck by an Trenches and Excavations object

Struck-by accidents are also common types of accidents India Mobile Database that occur in construction. Injuries that occur happen because of forcible contact between the injured person and an object or equipment. For instance, a worker may end up pinned between construction vehicles and walls, struck by swinging backhoes, and crushed beneath overturned vehicles. Falling and flying objects can also be dangerous, especially if those objects are heavy. Some struck-by accidents may only cause a minor injury. Others can result in death and serious injuries, depending on the heaviness of the object and force of impact.

OSHA’s Fatal Four

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After World War II, work safety worsened in all areas Spain Phone Number List of the economy, leading to rising injury rates. As a result, Congress decided to establish the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Ever since its establishment in 1970, OSHA has worked on reducing the number of work injuries. This organization has established standards that employers must follow. As a result, the number of construction accidents has reduced over the years.