Home » What is a Favicon and how to create
The favicon is one of those elements of web design. That is not of great importance, but when used well, provides differentiating to create value. You may even have decided to trust a website. Yourself because you saw that little icon that guaranteed you were in the right place. Can it really have that effect? Is it necessary for all types of websites? If so, how can you create your website? Stick around, because I’m going to answer all these questions for you below.
What is a favicon?
The favicon is a small image that appears next to search results and next to the name of a site in the tab of web browsers. How to Create a Favicon. These are India Phone Number List almost always thumbnails of the website logo, and if it is a company. The logo of its brand. Depending on the browser, the favicon may appear in the address bar, the bookmarks list, in the favorites list, and at the top of tabs.
Provides visual differentiation to the brand
When the user looks at your favicon on the results page or the different sections. Their personal browser, it is easier to distinguish your website from the rest . This allows him to find you easily. This small benefit gives you satisfaction. Which strengthens Aero Leads loyalty. Since almost all websites have a custom icon. Users have become accustomed to seeing them . Therefore, if your website does not have one or uses the generic CMS. You could doubt the quality of the content you offer.