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Discomfort propos by mical systems usually involves long, complicat, difficult healing processes that require the involvement of the family and the community, and to which biomicine does not always dicate the time that is claim. Religious miators are then us. This new miation does not invalidate the legitimacy of the previous ones, but rather complements it: religion accepts the priority of biomicine to deal with the ills of the body, but demands a space for action in the face of complex ills in which science fails, in a recognition of its own limits and an appeal to science to recognize its own.

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Religions seek with science, as they seek with the State, “gentlemen’s agreements”, knowing that the other discourse is the one that dominates the board: religion plays on foreign land and Finland B2B List recognizes it. We can clearly observe this relationship between religion and science from Catholicism in the definition of the origin of evil and discomfort, and in the ways of managing and facing them. From the point of view of revivalist Catholics, the causes of disease do not respond to a single origin, but rather combine multiple factors at different levels: from biological agents such as viruses and bacteria to suprahuman beings such as demons, passing through psychological processes such as failure to forgive offenses.

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Childhood hurts, and negatively intend feelings, such as envy. The biological causalities describ by micine are not only not deni, but are combin with causes on Aero Leads other planes: a disease can have a biological origin, but diseases add to other types of negative situations such as theft, The genealogical interpretations on the causes of evil are particularly interesting, since they propose dialogues in general little studi between religious discourses and psychological therapies. The search for family history as the origin of trauma and harmful emotions, family relationships and particularly ties with parents in the.

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