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That is constitut in inequality and difference, they have end up creating a political. Framework in which members with ethnic belonging are incorporat under neoliberalism without being subjects of rights and with difficulties in inserting themselves into a model that is bas on inequality. The latter strengthen the extra-institutional movement. Which was achieving. In the first seven years of the democratic transition, greater political weight. . Since , with the founding of Aukiñ Wallmapu Ngulam, self-determination continu to assert itself as a political horizon for the Mapuche people.

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This can be seen as the «other transition» to democracy, since Aukiñ Wallmapu. Ngulam reinforc the perspective that it was the communities that support the Mapuche political Uruguay B2B List process and that their traditional leaderships head the Mapuche «national liberation» project. From this perspective, they promot new “land recoveries”, which caus conflicts with the Concertación governments. In turn, the processes of “ideological decolonization” l the militants to forge alliances with communities locat in Argentina, to strengthen and broaden the horizon for the autonomy and reconstruction of Wallmapu. For the members of the organization, the national reconstruction of the Mapuche people should be promot on both sides of the mountain range since.

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Before the national borders were establish, it was the center of the old Mapuche country. It was not strange that, towards the fifth centenary of the conquest of America. The Mapuche Aero Leads movement manag to. Develop a movement that articulat different communities, traditional authorities and a strong. Mobilization for the land together with the creation of a political and ideological arsenal, and that this would conclude in the gestation of an autonomy movement. Along these lines, in October , the organization would present the flag of the Mapuche nation: the Wenüfoye , which was seen flying.