The ten best SEO and online marketing conferences in Spain

Every good digital marketer has the obligation to stay up to date. Without a doubt, the case of SEO is not an isolated case, since one of the most important things in this sector is learning. Digital marketing is advancing by leaps and bounds and SEO conferences are always a good opportunity to stay informed of the latest trends. In this list we leave you what in our opinion are the best SEO and online marketing conferences in Spain. The Professional Congress celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. Located in Madrid, it offers different workshops on topics such as  for SMEs, dynamic tables for  and PPC analysis or Google scripting, among others. This annual SEO conference is one of the most important on the national scene.

The 10 Best SEO and online marketing conferences in Spain

This monthly SEO event is held in Barcelona. For those of you who cannot travel to Barcelona, ​​you can always follow this SEO event through Streaming . Clinic is an SEO event for that tries to focus on the most practical SEO content. In the  organization we have such important figures as Gorka Goikoetxea, Francisco López, Guillermo Australia Telegram Number Data Gallardo or Aleyda Solis. Dates and place. Monthly event in Barcelona.  depending on access. What includes? congress spainTools worth more  Access to all presentations Attendance certificate Networking, lunch and dinner with the speakers. This event is characterized by its casual and beach style that mixes conferences with more recreational activities.

International Search Summit Barcelona

Telegram Number Data


An SEO event in an international environment, with tactics to expand your and SEM strategies. How to position your brand in international markets and a lot of international strategies that will be of great help to you. Amy Bishop, Sergi Calvo and Esteve Castells, among others, complete Aero Leads the lineup of speakers for this edition. What includes? International Search summit Barcelona. Sem event barcelona Entrance to conferences Food and coffee on the days of the event Post-event networking 1 month of premium access to the webcertain platform. This congress brings together talks on ecommerce, digital marketing or Social Media , among others.