The Role of Social Media Platforms in Subverting the Concept of Virtual Community: Elements for Understanding the Construction of Contemporary Subjectivity

This article aims to analyze the role of The Role of Social Media new social media. Platforms in reformulating the Therefore, concept of virtual communities. Bas on the studies of Howard Rheingold and  da Costa (2002), virtual. Communities are understoo as spaces for sharing and collaborative Elements for the of Contemporary Subjectivity constructions of knowledge. From a methodological However point of view. The theory of the authors was used. Mocellim (2011), Bauman (2003), Maffesoli (2006), Guattari and Rolnik (1996), Lazzarato (2014). Xavier and Lacava (2017). Among others, with regard to the virtual community and the production of subjectivity.

A Brief History About the Virtual Community

Matter of relevance, analyzing The Role of Social Media Elements for the of Subjectivity  the consequences of the impacts caused by social media platforms, as well as their logic of stimulating individual reputation, followers and evaluations, among others, and, from that point, launching reflections on the future of digital cooperation spaces. Keywords: Virtual community, Social network, Subjectivity, Digital platforms. 1. INTRODUCTION The main objective Elements for the of Contemporary Subjectivity of this article is to investigate the paths taken by virtual communities and the interference of social networks Machinery and Computer Equipment Manufacturers Email List  in this path. The analysis begins with the conceptualization of the term community and, for this, the work of Alan.

The Path of Virtual Communities

The community: from classical The Role of Social Media sociology to contemporary sociology” was used. In this text, the author presents the divergences between classical sociology and contemporary sociology. The research also includes the reflections of Zygmunt Bauman (2003) who, in the book “Community: the search for Elements for the of Contemporary Subjectivity security in the current world”, presents two concepts of community: aesthetic and ethical. Through these two meanings, the author seeks to expand understanding in relation to physical communities, to the point of reaching  Aero Leads the object of this research, which are virtual communities. Michel Maffesoli (2006), will also contribute to bringing these two analyzes together by discussing the paradigm.