The importance of reflection

About the working day of the CEO There is no typical daily routine at SEO Boosters. However, he always starts it by looking at analytics and ends it by planning the next day. — I really like to paint my day in the evening. Usually I enter not only meetings, but also other work tasks. In the morning, I look at the calendar – and it’s too late. Interviews, meetings, planning, analytics. Because of the operating room, I often get out of scheule, but I try to stick to it. One of the principles of planning is strict prioritization. It is necessary to cut off everything superfluous and be very careful with meetings, CEO Boosters believes. – They take quite a lot of time.

I can distract myself from everyday

I scheule meetings that require the greatest intellectual load for the first half of the day. Those where you nee to listen more, I spend in the second. Sometimes, if I nee to focus, I go to another room. A change of location helps a person move from previous Bangladesh B2B List tasks to new ones. When it’s warm I can go for a walk – a short walk also helps to recharge. On and the “wide-angle lens” mode One of Mykhailo’s principles is that the manager should be the lens of the camera. This means that sometimes it is important to dive into the details and devote time to operational issues.

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Time for reflection is extremely

Sometimes it is important to step aside, turn on the AERO Leads helicopter view and look at the business as a whole. How to switch between the two modes? — important. But when there are many ongoing tasks, it is difficult. Switching to the “wide-angle lens” mode is helpe by the absence of an operating room. For example, on weekends work tasks and think about the company globally.