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The fact that they do not pay on their own, through them you can have a significant impact on the primary one. So, parents will listen to the opinion of a teenager when choosing a clothing store or go to a cafe that has a children’s menu. Another classification is b2b and b2c audience. The first important are long-term relationships, experience and flexibility of the partner. To interact with it, you ne to use industry platforms, appeal to logic and prove your professionalism – this is the only way you will get a contract for a large amount. In b2c, emotional experience plays a role and often manipulative techniques on the part of the seller. What information about CA is ne.

Successful Part Of The Campaign

To analyze the target audience, collect the following data: age; place of residence; floor; information about work, study or other main activity; the amount of income; hobbies and hobbies; principles of product Israel Phone Number List selection; additional goods with which the client closes the nes; Internet sites where the client spends time. Bas on this information, marketing campaigns are launch. And special services help to evaluate the results of promotion, for example, Calltouch end-to-end analytics . Audience segmentation It is necessary to make a relevant offer for each category of customers. The types of segmentation us are: Demographic.

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According to the characteristics of gender, age, marital status. Socio-economic. They take into account the level of ucation and income, type of activity, living conditions. Geographic. Segmentation Aero Leads by regions, settlements, and even individual districts of the city. Especially useful for local outlets and services, for example, hairdressers, sports clubs, small shops. Behavioral. This includes social status, lifestyle, values, priorities and preferences. Behavioral segmentation is especially important for brand image building and market positioning. Method 5W One of the techniques that allows you to accurately segment customers. Answer 5 questions:What?(What.