The designers as independent as possible

Among my functions is to distribute tasks between designers, estimate how much time and resources are neee to complete them, review and make corrections. At first it was quite easy. There were only two designers under my supervision, and I had no problem finding time for them, working intuitively. But when the team skyrockete to 10 people, chaos ensue. There were huge problems with time management: how to allocate time to everyone, explain tasks to everyone, talk about KPIs, conduct checkpoints and not forget about your own work tasks? All 10 designers wrote to me randomly, threw works for eiting, bombarde me with small questions.

The most pleasant thing

It was as if I was lost in time and simply answere them and checke the tasks from morning to night. At this time, all the designers were waiting for my feeback and the work stoppe. It was very difficult. There was no idea how to properly organize Chad B2B List processes. The first thing I starte to do was learn from other managers how their teams work and how processes are built. Everyone had their own approaches, but I adapte the receive information for us. In the end, she made, optimize time, and introduce a scheule for distributing and checking tasks. As Head, I trie to create the same comfortable conditions for people as I had.

 B2B Email List

Himself feels and understands

That they have motivation and desire to work.When checking the tasks, I always write detaile comments so that the designer how to do it correctly. If I see AERO Leads weak points, we find ways to solve the problem together. I try not to transfer emotions and mood to work and team members. After all, if this happens, it demotivates people a lot. is when my team shows a great result, and our work is given as an example during episodes (meetings of the entire product team.