The advantages for the consumer and the brand in online retail

Over the last 10 years. the volume of online sales has always grown. Even before the pandemic caused by the New Coronavirus. Brazilian consumers were getting used to it and gaining confidence in buying online. There was a huge jump of 47% in revenue growth in 2020. and the forecast is optimistic for a further increase of 26% in 2021 . Signs that the internet sales market in Brazil is consolidated among consumers and brands. Sectors such as clothing. electronics. food and IT lead the way. but today there is space for practically all products in online retail. This optimistic e-commerce scenario speaks very well to Brazilian entrepreneurship.

A new shopping experience is winning people over

The entrepreneurial spirit of our people encourages many business ideas. but knowing how to start and make a profit is sometimes a challenge. Therefore. if you own a small or medium-sized company and already have Italy WhatsApp Number Data a physical store. or have a promising product in hand. discover below a series of reasons to start selling online. As we mentioned previously. today online purchasing is widely accepted by Brazilian consumers. Which means we are developing new habits from this phenomenon. According to research carried out with digital consumers in 2020. some of the arguments most cited by buyers who opt for virtual stores are: practicality . ease of comparing prices . promotions and a good shopping experience.

Convenience of purchasing online

Practicality is undoubtedly the easiest point to understand. If before you needed to go to a store. Look for the product. research prices from competitors. Talk to the seller. try on. negotiate and pay. in a virtual store AWB Directory you can carry out this. Entire journey from your sofa at home. with your smartphone. Another incredible aspect of practicality is. Carrying out trading at any time of the day or night. For the buyer it makes it possible to better organize their time. Free from the limitations of timetables and traffic to the store. For the store owner. It is the certainty that he can close. Business 24 hours a day without the need to rely on human labor to do so. In addition to saving on all the investment necessary to maintain a physical structure.