We confirm that the data is correct, after that the account will be successfully authoriz. Subscribe to quality articles about SMM in Telegram Heard the news? Cristiano Ronaldo earns more from his Instagram than from football. The mia grabb and suffer. And if you figure it out, then this is complete crap and crap. I am asham of the level of fact-checking of journalists. Let’s go through the points. Statistics on the cost of a post in the infographic is given with a link to the HOPPER HQ service, the primary source with a rating . The service is engag in engag in delay posting, came up with a rating of the most expensive bloggers celebrities in social networks and posts it every year, cutting down traffic and links.
The Exhibited For Citizenship These
The methodology is clear and simple. According to her, a post with Ronaldo costs , . BUT This is the estimat cost of the post bas on the algorithm. This logic breaks at the moment when French Polynesia Email List we are talking about Celebs. Conventionally, Shnurov’s post costs million rubles (it cost before), which is too much for . million subscribers. But they bought and norms. Further. If you take a quick look at Cristiano Ronaldo’s account , almost all of his “advertising” posts are obviously coming out as part of major international contracts.
Results Are Relevant Because They Suggest
Consequently the posts are not bought for the “full cost”. :instagrampB tNext moment. In general , the adequacy of the cost of the post according to that methodology. I found information that for the contract Aero Leads under which Ronaldo becomes the face of Armani (the contract was conclud in , ends in ), he receives million euros per year. The rest of the advertising contracts, and there are many of them, there are shampoos, motor oil, drinks, and so on – from to.