That Centralizes Formal Relations Between

Dismantling this correlation can well be consider as one of the keys to the meaning of the school. The outbreak of the pandemic finds the progressive sectors of the ucational debate —including the teacher unions among them— abandoning their positions. The support for health care measures occupies almost all the efforts of the national government. Conditioning its ability to participate in the pagogical debate and. In this context, the conservative sectors take the opportunity to display slogans link to the historical flags of ucational progressivism. These flags now appear modifi in their foundations and ultimate meanings.

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Despite this, the progressive sectors have not been able to position themselves in. The debate and have hand over to the right three concepts that are dear to their perspective: face-to-face, proximity and Water Transportation Email List encounter. Raise the ne for a possible and careful presence, is it from the left or from the right? Proposing that deepen injustices from the point of view of the possibilities of participation. Socialization and learning, is it from the right or from the left? Proposing the ne for an urgent, organiz and heavily financ reparation, is it from the left or from the right? Left-wing or progressive positions can gain space if they manage, first of all, to dismantle the empty slogans of the right.

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Open the schools” is not, per se, a progressive position if it is not accompani by clarity in terms of when. Where and how. Even less, if it does not distinguish between ucational. Establishments attend by Aero Leads middle and upper sectors and those attend by popular sectors. This, however, cannot be an excuse to sustain the current state of affairs either: the left cannot close down and abandon its historical proposals. They must be put to the test, but seriously and nuanc, in this context. The task of progressivism is.