Ten years of the new forest code measures to implement the rural

The history of Portuguese colonization around 1500 in Brazilian lands is related to large extractions of natural wealth, without hesitation in the exploitation of the colony. Since then, measures have been created by the General Government aiming, in addition to preservation, to monopolize resources by the colony Subsequently, in 1605, the first Brazilian forestry protection law was created, the Regiment on Pau-Brasil, which provided for strict penalties for illegal logging. In addition, in 1830 the first Brazilian Penal Code was promulgated, which provided for penalties imprisonment and a fine in the same sense. After leadership and historical milestones, President Epitácio Pessoa in 1920 sent a message to the National Congress that emphasized concern for forest

The rural environmental registration 

Article 59 of Law 12,561/2012 establishes the Environmental Regularization Program (PRA) where states and the federal district must implement it for rural areas. For this program, the Union must establish general standards, and the states  Building Construction and General Contractors Email Lists  and federal district will have the obligation to detail the standards taking into account territorial, climatic, economic, social and cultural peculiarities in accordance with the Federal Constitution (BRASIL, 2012) .For the rural property to be registered in the PRA, it must be registered in the CAR, and the National Environmental System (SISNAMA) presents and summons the rural owner to a term of commitment, which will constitute an extrajudicial executive title.


General approaches to car in 

The previous chapter focused on the history of concern with forest areas, fundamental concepts that govern the Law under study, with emphasis on the creation of the Rural Environmental Registry, making up the changes to the law, the difficulties of the   CAR and the PRA approach. In this section, the discussion will continue with various data and information about incentives in Bahia It is reiterated that Law No. 12,651/2012, among other things, deals with general rules on the protection of vegetation as well as APP and RL, is completing 10 years this year. One of his greatest achievements was the creation of CAR, which is directly linked to PRA (BRASIL, 2012).