Of the archive on a social occasion. So she says to me, “Did you like the gift I sent you?” And I ask him: «What gift?». And she repli, “I sent him a few tidbits about convict work.” And while he look at her in surprise, she explain to me: «I did it because I saw that she was very hardworking, she was always working. I thought that deserv recognition.” In her autobiography A Spy in the Archives: A Memoir of Cold War Russia . Memoirs of Cold War Russia], she narrates the moment that gives the book its title: that of the accusation in in the newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya of being an ” ideological saboteur ” , a spy for the West disguis as an academic.
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What did that accusation mean for you and how did you go through that period? It wasn’t as bad as it seems or, in fact, as it could have been. The reality is that they got my name wrong or, rather, they Brazil B2B List didn’t know that I was the person they were talking about. This nes a bit of explanation. I was born Fitzpatrick and publish my articles using that last name. But I got marri in Britain to a man nam Alex Bruce. And although I would have lik to keep my name on the British passport, the British did not allow it. They said, “You are Mrs. Bruce.” So I got a passport that said Sheila Bruce or, in Russian.
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Sheyla Brius. Meanwhile, she was publishing as Fitzpatrick. He only had one article at the time, in a magazine that follow the old British convention of using initials instead of names. So he Aero Leads call me S. Fitzpatrick. The newspaperSovetskaya Rossiya evidently had someone assign to read the Western press in order to write articles saying that these people were saboteurs and falsifiers. maybe the kgbtold him to look for Fitzpatrick or, more likely, just that person was reading the magazine looking for some potential.