The shipping method, or popular shipping, is one of the most important factors for those who work with internet sales. Shipping: discover Determining everything from the purchasing experience to the arrival of the product at the customer’s home, providing a smooth process is the role of the seller or the online store. This is because providing delivery options, meeting deadlines and ensuring transparency throughout the merchandise journey are valuable points for your brand. It is essential not only for customer contact, but for the business as a whole. After all, different delivery methods can increase the value of the product and also impact your revenue. As it is a determining factor, shipping is widely used as a sales argument.
Using shipping to your advantage
However, before you start selling your products, the ideal is to define the ideal shipping method for your store. In this article, we brought the main shipping methods and options for you to Belgium WhatsApp Number Data evaluate in your e-commerce. According to research commissioned by E-commerce Brasil , for 62% of retailers, shipping prices have a negative impact on sales. Shipping: discover A factor that is in line with another important e-commerce data: experts point out that the cart abandonment rate exceeds 75% . Now, if shipping is scary, how can you use this data to benefit your store? Simple, providing consumers with transport alternatives. The first advantage is strategic: by enabling more shipping methods, your store is not held hostage by a single supplier for delivery.

Most common types of shipping for e-commerce
The second justification is related to the shopping experience. Using the Post Office as an example, the Brazilian company provides alternatives such as. PAC and Sedex 10 for AWB Directory the consumer to define their needs: the first, cheaper and with a longer delivery time. And the second option of express shipping, but more expensive. In addition to the two “standard” options, the retailer can add free options such as searching. At the Collection Point (or company headquarters) and carriers. While browsing between the options. The customer focuses on deciding which one is most advantageous. And alleviates the feeling that they are paying for shipping. We have two major particularities in the national e-commerce shipping market. The first of these is the presence of Correios, the traditional.