Over the past few years, selling online has been one of the main solutions for retail in Brazil. Accelerated by the pandemic, 2020 closed with a 74% growth in e-commerce , and in 2021 the expectation is that this record will be beaten with ease. The Brazilian consumer is passionate about purchasing online. With the fever of social networks indicating and advertising products, with advances in logistics and with improvements in experience via websites and applications, retailers who do not have an online sales strategy are failing to make money. But today, with so many alternatives available, a question remains for first-time retailers: how to start selling online without large investments.
Creating your online store in less than 5 minutes
The answer for a brand to add more identity and credibility to its customers. Is through its own virtual store. The safest way may also be the simplest. With Unbox, creating an online store Thailand Phone Number Data takes less. Than 5 minutes. It’s easy, free for 15 days and with just a few details you’ll leave. With a website ready to sell. At Unbox we know the daily life and challenges of. Brazilian entrepreneurs, which is why we facilitate the entire process so that. Everyone can sell online, without stress or initial investment. See the entire process in Bruno’s video, below. With the website up and your products registered, your. Online store is ready to start selling online.
Get ready to win customers with your online store
This is possible because we eliminate all barriers with integrations. And after sending the necessary documentation, your address. Will be registered to send products throughout. Brazil and the amount received will be sent to your personal account. You don’t even need a CNPJ to start selling online. It is possible to create an online store with Aero Leads just your. CPF, and gradually professionalize its updates, while your sales increase. Start selling online with. Unbox Click to create your online store for free. Launching e-commerce is the first step to starting selling online with your brand.