Semrush Sensor: monitor SERP volatility

What is Semrush Sensor and its possibilities of use Semrush Sensor allows us to monitor daily changes in rankings in the selected category. And measure SERP volatility on a scale of 0-10. The higher the score, the more likely it is that Google has introduced an algorithm update. This is a powerful and very useful tool for marketers and people specialized in the field of digital marketing. Designed by the renowned SEO and market analysis platform, Semrush, Sensor focuses on monitoring changes and fluctuations in Google search results. As you should already know, SERP stands for “Search Engine Results Page” and as in many other aspects, Google is the search engine preferred by the vast majority of the public.

But why do these changes occur

There are multiple factors and we recommend that you take as priority what is under our control. Toxic backlinks: these are not only links that come from websites of dubious reliability. Sometimes with a significant virus load. Also those anchor texts that are related to sensitive Sweden Telegram Data topics or adult content. This factor has a differential weight to take care of the volatility of the SERP and remain calm at all times. Try to review the toxicity of these links through a brief weekly audit and reject those that are of doubtful reliability. Broken pages: this is a fairly common error due to lack of maintenance and review. Avoid this problem by installing plugins that make it easier for you to search for these pages, such as Broken Link Checker .

With the above considerations in mind

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we can guarantee that we will keep Semrush Sensor’s scoring scale at bay. This scale is ordered from 0 to 10 points depending on the quality level. From 0 to 2 points: everything is calm. We can breathe easy because in this case the fluctuations are weak and generally, we Aero Leads will not have to make changes unless. We want to anticipate a trend that we have previously studied. From 2 to 5 points. This is considered a normal score. It is usually the most common ratio in the SERP on a day-to-day basis. As we will see later, there are categories that are more sensitive to changes. From 5 to 8 points: we reach the threshold of high fluctuations. It is always a good idea to review what is happening and study the competition so as not to be left behind.