This online resource is simply irreplaceable
for selecting a keyword that is appropriate in a particular case when launching contextual advertising, when analyzing the frequency and popularity of Yandex queries, and when collecting the semantic core of a site. If you want to effectively advertise your service, your product, and your brand as a whole, you should pay attention to Yandex Wordstat — a relevant modern service for selecting words — keywords for your site.
Keywords and the appropriateness of their placement on the site
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In the context of text analysis, keywords are clear, concise words in a given text. A set of keywords can provide a full, high-level description of the text’s content to the reader.
- most often used to denote a specific subject or theme;
- are linked by semantic connections,
- keywords are non-judgmental and relatively neutral;
- most of the semantic core consists of keywords;
- It is obvious that you should not use keywords very often, because if you exceed the permissible threshold, the system may consider your text, full of keywords, as spam, and your site will be at risk.
How to use Yandex Wordstat service correctly
Yandex Wordstat will perfectly demonstrate you statistics on those goods and services that people search for on the Internet. The service will clearly display the popularity of the request, its geolocation. You will be able to correctly plan an advertising campaign, focusing on the resource data. In Yandex, you can get a detailed audit of keyword requests. However, in order to benefit from the resource, you should be able to handle the Wordstat site correctly. So, how to work with the site?
We recommend that you look at the number of requests for each topic, this will help you promote your own site in Yandex more effectively. And we have compiled a cheat sheet for you – help in working with a popular Internet service.
You should go to the Yandex Wordstat page
- If you are already logged in to this site, log in by entering your login and password.
- Then, indicate the keywords and phrases that interest you by entering them in the search field. After that, click “Select”.
- After entering the key phrase, you will get access to the statistically expected number of impressions for the query you specified. The forecast takes into account data for a monthly period – the last 30 days.
- In the left column you will see the overall frequency of queries, which also includes all phrases that contain the key phrase you specified.
- The right column shows similar queries to the ones mentioned that were previously entered by users in the Yandex search engine. The numbers you see are the expected number of impressions per month for this phrase.
- The “By Regions” tab is very useful for determining geolocation – in which region is what frequency of requests.
- Next, let’s pay attention to the “Regional Popularity” parameter. If the figure exceeds 100%, then the interest in this topic is high. If the figure is less than 100%, then the popularity of this query is low.
- Statistics are shown for all regions where the Yandex system is used. If you are only interested in a specific region, select it in the “All regions” tab.
- “Desktops” or “Mobile”?. Find out whether Internet users most often search for a similar query from computers or mobile phones.
Yandex Wordstat helps to correctly determine the dynamics of user queries for a given key phrase. This information is analyzed over the past two years, which allows us to evaluate the seasonality of people’s interest in a certain topic.
How to work with keywords
For example, “buy a refrigerator”. The displayed number of queries contains not only directly “buy a refrigerator”, but also “buy a refrigerator in Kyiv”, “buy a refrigerator” and so on.
For more specific formulation of phrases consisting of keywords, we recommend using symbols and special operators. Let’s say you want to know the exact number of requests – then use the operators ! and “” before the words in the requests. Using operators will help you correctly select relevant words, keywords, which need to be placed on your site.
Fortunately, the interface of the Yandex Wordstat resource is very simple, even beginners with minimal training will feel comfortable. Let’s carefully study what the platform offers:
Yandex Wordstat main window
Enter the word as a query for search engines. The list of variations of your keywords will be reflected in the column. The query specified in the left column includes all subsequent ones. Thus, the expanded keywords under the main query are not additional queries, but rather nested ones. For example, “TV” includes the queries “buy TV”, “buy TV Kyiv”, and so on.
Left column in the Wordstat service
Here you will see a forecast for the number of impressions. Treat this statistic as an estimate, not an exact indicator.
Right column in Wordstat
Here you will see separate queries that are independent of each other and do not contain nested keys.
Let’s continue to analyze the features of search operators
- + – this symbol encourages the system to take the specified word into account in the search.
- [] – this symbol helps to fix the word order used in the query.
- ! – the symbol prohibits any modification of the word formula.
- “” – the quotation mark symbol – shows statistics on keywords in a separate window, statistics are presented without nested “keys”.
- ( | ) – you can place a couple of words between the brackets. For example, if you supply services to two countries at once, you can enter the specified brackets and view data for two categories of your requests.
Let’s say you want to find customers for the query “snowboard”, since you sell this product. However, this query is used to search not only for snowboards, but also for:
various snowboarding video tutorials, funny entertaining videos, trick recordings, extreme sports events schedules and much, much more. To see the statistics you need, you should only specify the most specific queries. So when searching, it is important to include everything you need and filter out everything unnecessary.
This option is very important for businesses whose activities are limited to a specific location.
Statistics in Wordstat are especially relevant for analyzing business trends. Data can be tracked even for many years. And it is advisable to focus on regular trends that do not lose relevance over time. You can mention constantly active requests – for example, “renting a home”. When creating website pages, it is important to focus on the natural requests of users.
What is the difference between informational and commercial requests
Commercial queries have significantly higher chances: for example, not just “iPhone 10”, but “iPhone 10 buy”. Commercial queries, one way or another, include words that are related to purchasing, acquiring goods. Also, such queries can include those that are related to a specific location: “smartphone 10th Kyiv”.
Be careful, for example, if the query contains phrases like “do it yourself”, then all other words are useless for selling your product.
Often, queries contain nested ones. Therefore, in order for the service to be useful to you, you should cut off all unnecessary ones.
- In Wordstat you can view data for the last 30 days.
- It is also noteworthy that the service does not accept “keys” that contain more than seven words.
- With the right skills and knowledge, you can easily track popular queries using the Yandex Wordstat service.
Additional software
There are popular third-party browser add-ons:
- Wordstat Assistant allows you to collect queries into a group and then use them in other applications.
- Yandex Wordstat Helper is an extension that is relevant for Firefox and Google Chrome browsers. It performs similar functions to the previous one, but has a wider list of categories.
Obviously, Wordstat is a great service for anyone involved in website promotion. This analytical service allows you to study information about user alb directory queries in the Yandex search engine. You can see the demand for a competitive service, track what device the user used to make their query; select the right, precisely verified words and synonyms for effective advertising campaign setup.