Scribing: A Surefire Way to Explain Complex Information

Conveying information clearly and simply is important not only for teachers in school lessons. People of many professions from various fields face such a need. The result of a project or deal, the effectiveness of the team as a whole often depend on it. It is possible to attract the attention of the audience to yourself, make boring presentations interesting and clearly talk about even complex processes thanks to the scribing technique.

In this article we will tell you what scribing is, how and why to use the method in your work.

Scribing: what is it?

Scribing is a presentation technique where the speaker supplements words with visual images. The term comes from the English word “scribe” – to describe, to mark. A scriber is a person who visualizes information, draws. A drawing created in the process of scribing is a scribe.

Scribing is a powerful tool for visualizing information and attracting attention. Scribing allows you to focus your listeners on yourself. After all, people can not only hear, but also see information, and also imagine it using figurative thinking.

Application of scribing

Executives, managers, developers, business coaches can use scribing to protect business projects, close deals, explain processes, and so on.

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Here are some examples of situations and tasks that can be effectively solved using scribing:

  • Corporate training. Scribing in education is the most promising direction for the application of the methodology. Scribing helps to remember information better. The presentation technique will be useful during a lecture or business training. After the training, you can pass on the material to students, and the scribing will be a support for understanding and structuring the information.
  • Presentations at forums and conferences. Use scribing technology to bring your presentations to life. The process of drawing and verbal narration attracts the audience’s attention and helps to retain it.


The word itself means — facilitating interaction. To create scribing in the classical sense is to accompany your speech with images and diagrams that can be drawn on a board or flipchart. The main task of scribing is to make information understandable for perception. This is an almost continuous process of drawing, in which the speaker simplifies complex concepts and writes key phrases throughout the speech.

Video scribing

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The scribing session can be recorded on video. This digital scribing is convenient, but to create videos, you need some experience in shooting and editing videos. You also need time for subsequent video processing. The advantages of video scribing:

  • You can record the video once, then you can use the finished video for work for a long time. For example, this is useful when creating video tutorials.
  • You can edit videos to get more content on social networks, for example, make short pieces out of them for announcements and promotional videos.
  • You can post a video on YouTube and reach a larger audience.

Videos using scribing are used in advertising. This method of visualization helps to convey the main information about a product or service simply and clearly.

Scribing techniques

There are several types of scribing that allow you to use the visualization tool in different ways for both video and live performances. For a video, you need to separately record the voice and synchronize the video with the text. Also, the process of creating a scribing video with a voiceover is usually accelerated.

Here are the basic scribing techniques:

  • Hand-drawn scribing. A classic visualization method, when the speaker draws scribbles by hand. The camera shoots from above the hand, which begins to draw with a marker on the paper.
  • Applique scribing. Scribing using ready-made appliques. They are laid out during the performance as the story unfolds.

How to Create a Scribing Presentation

Scribing in a presentation should help people remember the material, absorb the information, and not confuse them. If you want to use scribing for your presentation, we offer you the following algorithm and recommendations for creation.

Define the goal

Scribing is a powerful way to help you convey your thoughts clearly. But it is difficult to use if the purpose of the presentation itself is not formed. Scribing reflects the main meaning and main content. It is important to make a plan and think through the key points on the topic of the speech, so that you can rely on them later.

Write a script for a presentation

At this stage, it is more effective to use the storytelling method. That is, to convey information in the format of a story with a plot, climax and denouement. The easiest way to present a quality product is to show how it solves the client’s problems.

Such a presentation should reflect the customer’s journey or typical day. For example, the benefits and advantages of a corporate messenger can be described as follows: managers and ordinary employees receive dozens of messages in the messenger every day, sort through endless chats and cannot find important correspondence. The solution to the problem is a separate communication tool.

Visualize history

Some recommendations for creating your own scribe:

  • Use clear imagery – your audience should be able to easily read the visual symbols and images you use;
  • Don’t complicate the picture – the sketches reflect the main points, comment on all references, clarifications and nuances with your voice;
  • Don’t jump from topic to topic – it’s difficult to perceive the information, because you are depicting what you are talking about at the moment.

Recommendations for creating video scribing

If you plan to use video, consider these nuances when creating videos:

  • Consider how long the video should be – a live performance of 15 minutes and a recorded video of the same length are perceived differently. That is why, as a rule, the drawing process is sped up.
  • Write your script so that your speech is short but not choppy.
  • For better sound quality, you can use a microphone.
  • After recording, check the synchronization of the video with the voiceover.

Scribing services

We’ll look at which programs to use to create videos or animated presentations.

Sparkol Videos

An English-language service where you can rating agencies and whether they should be trusted quickly create hand-drawn videos. The advantage of Videoscribe is its simple and clear interface – you simply grab and drag the necessary images to the workspace.


Russian application for iPad, which helps in creating a drawn video. To create a scribe in the program you need:

  • write your text directly in the application;
  • voice it;
  • split text into fragments;
  • synchronize sound with text;
  • draw a picture for each fragment;
  • Run the “video conversion” function and save the video file.

Initially, the ability to draw was required to work in the application, but now the program allows you to use photographs as a template for drawing.

The program is free, there are in-app purchases.


The application is convenient for creating vertical and horizontal videos. There are functions for overlaying subtitles, converting text to speech. Large library of images and music.

Moovly is available on iOS, Android. There are browser versions or you can download the desktop version from the site. To work with advanced functionality, the program offers to connect to paid plans.


For scribing, you can use the Powtoon application. The program has functions for creating animations, as well as a library of ready-made animated characters, backgrounds, pictures and sounds. An interesting function is the character designer, in which you can create your own character, choose clothes for him, for example, in the corporate colors of your company.

Misconceptions in scribing

To make scribing a part of your professional life, you need to get rid of a few popular misconceptions.

You need to be able to draw

In the world of scribing, you don’t need to have drawing skills. The scribing technique is used to simplify information, to improve mutual understanding between opt in list the audience and the speaker. To draw in scribing, it is enough to create an image. If you want to depict, for example, a smartphone, you can simply indicate it – draw a rectangle and small squares in it.

Nowhere to apply

The advantage of scribing is its versatility. To learn scribing, you can start with fairy tales: using drawings to tell children about the water cycle in nature or how trees grow in the garden. After some time, thanks to scribing, you will be able to explain to partners what the advantage of your business is.

To create a video, you will need editing skills.

In general, basic skills are needed, but no more than in any program you encounter for the first time. Just film the process of a hand drawing a scribe. To create the simplest video scribing, you will need a smartphone, perhaps a microphone, a marker and a sheet of paper.


Scribing is a way of presenting information through visual images. The tool will help explain material with complex concepts, attract and hold the audience’s attention, share an opinion, make the necessary accents in the speaker’s speech, and even build communication with colleagues.