Rethinking Of Public Policies But Some

Society there is no legal framework that frames and legitimizes it, there is mistrust between the different groups that make it up and fear of repression. The population is more concern with the daily struggle for survival than with state problems. The arrival of the pandemic and the fear of contagion have empower statehood . Today, in Cuba, the government has restrict freom of movement not only for opponents but also for supporters. Are the FAR back on the scene? In the newspaper Tribuna de La Habana on April , the changes that the FAR have had to face due to the pandemic are report.

The Arrival Of Covid The Change Of

It was decid that the young people who were about to complete Active Military Service (SMA) would continue and the new call would be postpon. In the case of the Women’s Voluntary Military Service, Colonel Heriberto Railroad Transportation Email List Burgos Ronquillo, head of the Organization and Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of the Revolutionary Arm Forces (Minfar), report that volunteers who want to change careers must wait until the situation of the pandemic, while in June those who have chosen a military career could enter. In addition to the Defense Councils, the formation of a Temporary Working Group has been add.

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Political Sign Brought New Airs A General

Chair by President Díaz-Canel, in which Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz plays an important role. This group meets daily and is produc and report on television to report on the actions taken in the Aero Leads face of the pandemic. It is the official voice. At the same time, among the responses sent to us from Cuba, it was stat that the presence of the military is more noticeable in the streets. Granma , in an article dat April , report that members of the FAR Prevention Troops Brigade and the Special Troops Regiment of the Military Region of Havana are carrying out intense work to raise awareness of the dangers of covid.